
Stormy strolls and saying yes to the sunset

Stormy strolls and saying yes to the sunset

it might have been the most gorgeous night I’ve ever witnessed there, or anywhere for that matter. The foamy, teasing waters and brilliant sunset calmed my heart as my kids giggled and chased. I left my cell phone purposefully in the car and was present and relaxed. It was one of those nights where you keep blinking in hopes that your mind will take mental photographs that won’t ever fade away.

Happily home

Happily home

We’ve been here a year, and it only seems appropriate to mark this date with an Amen and a Hallelujah and a Praise God. Santa Barbara pursued us, and we said yes with some reservations, hesitations, and timid feet. And while we still really, really miss the community we had in Sacramento, I think both Jonathan and I would say this last year has been one of the best of our marriage.

How to help the homeless with kids in the backseat

How to help the homeless with kids in the backseat

Helping the homeless when you have kids in the backseat can totally be done, but I think it requires some forethought. It’s so important for our children to watch us model compassion to people on the streets. Whenever I talk to other women about our role in helping people on the streets, I find most people have a desire to help but don’t know how to safely do so.